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Should You Moisturize Oily Skin? by Zyba Salons

The simple and direct answer to "does your oily skin need moisturizer?" is a definite YES! Our skin secretes oils naturally, that is known as sebum (secreted by the Sebaceous Gland). But, with oily skin, the production of sebum is more. And hence the grease and shine on your face. Another thing to understand is that your skin might turn oily with time. Factors like pollution and hormonal changes amon other things may be to blame for that. We tend to think that deep cleansing the face is the only and the best way to deal with oily skin. But that is not how it works. Moisturizers offer the necessary hydration to skin, which is different from oiliness.

When you deep cleanse your skin to beat the oil, you strip your skin off its natural moisture, this leads more production of oil by the skin to balance the loss of moisture. The situation, hence, becomes worse. Moisturizing your skin will help balance the oil production and thus improve skin appearance and health.

A general moisturizer forms an occlusive layer on the skin’s surface that prevents water loss, whereas a barrier repair formula penetrates deep to repair and renew your skin's natural barrier. The word "oil" found anywhere in an ingredient list can cause some people to freak out. But the good news is that certain oils in skincare products are not the enemy to oily skin. Although it sounds contradictory to apply a moisturizer to oily skin, especially one that may contain oils, the fact is, it actually will help reduce sebum production and give skin a better texture with the proper use of certain types of oils.

The concept of “Hydrate and Moisturize”:

“Hydration” is the absorption of moisture from the air and then infusing your cells with water to improve your skin’s ability to absorb moisture and nutrients. “Moisturizing” is about trapping and locking in the moisture to build your skin’s natural protective barrier. This will prevent any water loss and ensure that your skin remains soft and smooth. The key with oily skin is to make sure you’re hydrating it without adding any heavy pore-clogging oils (different to what we spoke about earlier!) from other products. With no moisture at all your skin would become dehydrated and begin to overcompensate by producing more oil.

What kind of moisturiser should one use for Oily Skin?

It’s ideal to look for a gel formula, because it’ll feel light and refreshing while still helping in replenishing your skin’s natural moisture balance. Find a non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging), lightweight moisturizer that is suitable for your skin, occasionally using it on your oily areas could actually help reduce greasiness. Many people with oily skin choose to use harsh products and overlook moisturizers with the hopes of drying out their skin. But over washing and allowing for dryness can actually prompt your Sebaceous Glands to create even more oil in an attempt to level things out.

There are different types of moisturizers based on their properties. Refer the image below to learn what these types are!

So give those blotting sheets a break! Moisturize your skin just as much as it needs to be moisturized and unveil supple skin with a luminous glow!

The cover image of this article was taken from: href=' /photos/hand '> Hand photo created by Racool_studio -


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