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Facials: Different Types and Effects by Zyba Salons

Fruit Facial, Diamond Facial, Hydrating Facial, Rose Facial…….the list goes on! We know it can get super confusing! We got you. Sit back with a cup of tea and browse through the type of facials that you can pick from when you go to the salon. Time for YOU to flex your knowledge at the salon!

Detoxifying Facials 

These are the most regular type of Facials that involve deep cleansing of skin with ingredients like activated charcoal and clay masks. These products absorb excess oil from the skin and unclog pores by removing impurities and shedding away dead skin cells. If you’ve had a busy week, day or month - these facials are just what you need to get the glow back to your skin!

Calming Facial

Facials that use products with soothing agents like Honey, Aloe Vera, Green Tea, and Lavender have a calming effect on the skin. Their anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties work to soothe irritated skin. If followed up with a DIY aloe vera face mask once a week these facials keep skin concerns at bay!

Hydrating Facial

Facials with products that contain oxygen and deeply nourishing oils work wonders for dry skin! They actively penetrate at a cellular level and rejuvenate dull and dehydrated skin. These facials are good for salon trips with your friends when you just want to sit back and relax!

Before you go ahead and get a facial done, you should also know what to do, and more importantly - what NOT to do after a facial!

Clear Skin Facial

Facials that use products with active ingredients like Tea Tree Oil and Salicylic Acid target active acne with their anti-bacterial properties. These facials do not include manual exfoliation as it may lead to spread of acne to other parts of the face.

D-Tan Facials

Citrus Fruit facials or facials that use products containing Vitamin C and Pearl extracts help reverse sun damage and brighten dull skin while gently removing dead skin cells. If followed up with a basic Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing routine and use of a SPF these facials can keep the skin radiant and supple for upto 4 weeks.

Anti-Aging Facials

These are facials that address skin concerns like fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation. Collagen, Peptides, and Hyaluronic Acid based products that restore the elasticity of skin are best suited for these types of facials. A skin tightening mask and massage lifts the skin and gives it a firmer appearance. Facials that involve aromatherapy can also revitalise dull and tired skin to give a more youthful look.

Here's the cheat sheet of all the information above!

We hope this article has helped you understand your ingredients better and helps you give your skin just what it needs. Just in case you’re on the go and don’t have the time for a Facial give our article on DIY Fruit masks a quick read and whip up a quick blend to feed your skin!



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