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Clean-up vs Facial, what really is the difference? by Zyba Salons

Ever wondered if you need a Facial or a Clean-Up? And when exactly should you get either to maintain skin health and a glowing face? But more importantly, what is the difference between the two in the first place? Don’t worry. We’re here to answer all those questions for you in this quick read!

The Process:

A Facial starts with deep cleansing of the face, followed by exfoliating, steaming, and removal of blackheads topped off with a nice massage with a moisturiser and application of a face pack, while a Clean-Up ends after the removal of blackheads, post the deep cleansing, exfoliating, and steaming.

Serum and/or sunscreen may be applied at the end of a Facial while it is advisable to avoid the application of a product after a clean-up as it may or may not involve manual extraction of pores based on the salon and skin type. With growing awareness about skincare Manual Extraction it is usually recommended by dermats to avoid Manual Extraction as certain skin types may be more sensitive than others.

Basically, a Facial is like a Clean-Up’s big bro!


Facials should be done either once in 6 weeks or at least a minimum of 4 times a year, while Clean-Ups should be done once in 2 weeks if possible, or whenever you are outdoors for long hours.

Length of Service

A good Facial should last at least 60 - 90 minutes depending on the type of facial you choose, and how strapped for time your Salon is (Pro Tip: better to go before 6pm on weekdays! ;)), whereas Clean-Ups are relatively quicker and don’t go beyond 30 - 45 minutes.

Facials are usually available in a lot of varieties depending on what exactly you want from the facial - brightening, hydration, de-tanning, de-toxifying etc. This is where the face pack at the end comes in to work!

The skin concerns addressed are relatively limited in terms of Clean-Ups as the variability is usually introduced because of the face pack. The products used for cleansing and exfoliating are usually divided into two basic categories- Manual and Chemical depending on the skin type.

We hope this article has helped you figure out exactly what you need for your skin! We suggest you to understand what your skin-type is before you go out to get a Facial or a Clean-Up, this will help you select the best service for your goals and skin!

Keep checking out this space for more articles on such topics and which services would be good for different skin types. If you’ve already figured out what you want, VISIT a Zyba Salon near you to pick from an assortment of Facials and Clean-Ups that suit your skin type.

Also, before you get a Clean-Up or a Facial (specially a facial) you should know what you should do, and more importantly - NOT do after the Clean-Up/Facial!



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