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Answers to All Your Questions on Bikini Hair Removal! by Zyba Salons

Since Bikini Hair Removal usually reminds going down the dreaded wax path - it is a conversation we choose to ignore all together! If you’ve ever gotten one then you probably know that it’s the only thing that can make one scream louder than the Conjuring! 

However, every once in a while we happen to stumble upon a picture of yet another nearly perfect Instagram model rocking a Baywatch worthy swimsuit and you think to yourself - maybe it’s actually worth it! Although, we don’t believe you need to conform to any beauty standards, and you may want to try it, not try it, or just do it for yourself. We got you with all the info!

Read on to know more about the cleansing and hair removal methods available to deal with pubic hair. It’s always good to know your options! 

Bikini Hair Removal Options

Bikini Wax: Waxing can be a painful procedure, but since it removes hair from the roots, the effect lasts longer, making it a preferred choice among women. In this procedure, hot wax is gently applied on skin and ripped off quickly in the direction opposite to the growth pulling the hair out. As scary as it sounds, to be honest the results are unmatched! It leaves your skin soft and smooth while making the growth more sparse and less coarse in the longer run. 

If you’re a beginner and have a beachy vacay coming up and you plan on rocking a Kardashian style high cut bikini then it’s the best time to give this method a go! 

  1. Shaving: Shaving is an easy and painless hair removal method as long as you are careful. A proper Shaving Cream must be applied and one must carefully shave the region with a razor that has micro blades cutting the hair off at skin-level. (Disclaimer: never use shaving creams or razors close to your vaginal opening.) Be it a sudden date, weekend trip, or a self pampering session, Shaving always comes to your rescue!

  2. Sugaring: In this procedure, a sugar based gel like paste is applied on the area and removed to pull the hair out. It’s comparatively less painful than waxing but also less long-lasting.

  3. Epilators: An epilator is a battery operated machine that holds multiple strands of hair together and pulls them out together from the roots, leading to a long lasting effect. It is always advisable to go slow and gentle while using these machines to avoid risks. Now, these little guys may look scary but they are sure to come in handy once you get a hang of using them. 

  4. Trimmers:  Trimmers are machines which go by the name. They help in trimming hair but this isn’t a very long lasting option.

  5. Laser Hair Removal: Laser is a permanent to semi-permanent technique of removing hair from your pubic region, but it is very expensive and not advisable for people with sensitive skin. It is suggested to consult a dermatologist before giving laser hair removal a go. Contrary to what the world says about some of the best things in life being free, laser treatments are anything but free. So if you can afford to drop this bomb on your bank account and want a hassle free long lasting solution then this is your best bet.

Important things to remember after bikini hair removal:

These were a few important things about bikini hair removal. It is always advised to first cut the excess bush of hair out with a pair of scissors carefully, then go for any of the methods that suit best for you. Follow up with the application of a calming gel like aloe vera to soothe redness and irritation. You should never ignore any sign of discomfort post hair removal and seek immediate consultation. For more such health, skin, hair and beauty articles, do keep coming back. Take care!


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